Steve, KE5SF, is wondering where to find the correct user manuals for ham radio software. It turns out the manuals are quite easy to access! Watch more to find where they are hiding! Subscribe:…
Asymptomatic infection
COVID-19: What proportion are asymptomatic? Between 5% and 80% of people testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 may be asymptomatic Symptom-based screening will miss cases, perhaps a lot of them Some asymptomatic cases will become symptomatic…
Trying Again without Power Failure tonight!!
Trying to Hook-Up 2 x LiveSTreams, Mike M0XMX and Callum M0XXT.
Radio Amateur, Fellow Astronaut Headed to Space Station…
A radio amateur is one of two NASA astronauts headed to the International Space Station (ISS) following a May 30 launch of a SpaceX rocket that marked the return of human spaceflight to US soil…
30 May 2020 Saturday (1900 UTC) Q&A Live…
To learn more about me, visit: Tip jar (on my website): (provides a method to use your credit card via PayPal, Also describes Patreon) To pose an Ask Dave question: or…
Balloons with APRS Payloads to Race Across North…
Update and smoking
Canada Many have asked about my Parker Pen, this is the link to buy one (I receive a small commission if you use this link) Amazon shop for my video production equipment (I receive…
Report from Malawi
Thank you Adam
Yesterday’s M-flare producing active region rotates into view
The sunspot region that was responsible yesterday for what could be the first M-class solar flare of Solar Cycle 25 has now rotated into view. READ MORE...