Contest Dates and time UTC 0100Z-0230Z, Aug 30 Contest Information
Scouting’s Jamboree on the Air Set for October…
Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) and Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI) will be held this year on October 16, 17, and 18. Register online as an individual or as a group.Jamboree on the Air is…
What Was Your Amateur Radio Summer Like?
September sort of marks the end of the summer around Long Island. Crazy city traffic to the Hamptons slows down a bit, farm stand and vineyard traffic also begins to ease off and the locals…
Reducing death rates
Estimating the infection fatality ratio in England, (21 August, CEBM) IFR falling over time ONS, IFR, as of 4 August, 0.49% (95% Credible interval, 0.36% to 0.67%) MRC, IFR, as of 28 July,…
What is a Ham Radio Hotspot | Digital…
What is a Hotspot in the world of Ham Radio? DMR Hotspot, DSTAR Hotspot, System Fusion Hotspot, etc. What is it and what are they used for? Part of the New Ham Workshop! ★★★ IMPORTANT…
What is a Repeater in Ham Radio |…
What is a repeater and how does it work? Part of the New Ham Workshop, today I attempt to explain what a repeater is and how it works in the world of Ham Radio. ★★★…
ALARA Contest
Contest Dates and time UTC 0600Z Aug 29 to 0559Z, Aug 30 Contest Information
YO DX HF Contest
Contest Dates and time UTC 1200Z, Aug 29 to 1200Z, Aug 30 Contest Information
W/VE Islands QSO Party
Contest Dates and time UTC 1200Z, Aug 29 to 0300Z, Aug 30 Contest Information