REF Contest, CW

Contest Dates and time UTC 0600Z, Jan 30 to 1800Z, Jan 31 Contest Information

QCX-mini Transmitter Adjustment for 5 Watts (#359)

The QCX-mini from is now finished. The last sep was to adjust the toroid coils by spreading and contracting the turns to gain a full 5 watts out. Nice little unit! Subscribe: Ask…

Two new vaccines work

Novavax US company, US and UK science Operation Warp Speed Engineered viral protein, with a plant-based ingredient Normal fridge UK, N = 15,000 Over the age of 65, n = 4,000 NVX-CoV2373 Novavax…

Antigen survey shows high prevalence

Real-time Assessment of Community Transmission (REACT) Study Imperial College London Commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Care, Ipsos MORI Antigen and antibody testing surveys Repeated, non-overlapping, cross-sectional surveys, of random samples of…