Propagation Update reports that sunspot 3981 has produced more than 20M-class solar flares, including two that almost reached category X.The activity is likely to continue today. The sunspot retains adelta-class magnetic field that harbors energy for…

Learning Opportunity – On the Air Live: “How…

ARRL is helping members get the most out of amateur radio through On the Air Live, a monthly series of training sessions. The live events are hosted by ARRL Education Specialist Wayne Greene, KB4DSF, and…

Long Time Ham Radio Outlet Employee Honored for…

Paul Szczerbinski, W9KHO, an employee of Ham Radio Outlet in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, received a Certificate of Honor from HRO President Robert Ferrero, W6KR, for 60 years as an amateur radio operator. This is just the…

NCJ North American CW Sprint is This Weekend

By Ward Silver, NØAX Imagine a weekend without a single full-bore pro football game. (American football, my DX and soccer-aficionado friends.) Not one. No hours of pre-game jabber. No amazing on-screen graphics and gadgets. No…

ARRL Teachers Institute a Success on Staten Island

ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® celebrates that the first field session of the ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology reached nine New York City area educators, but the ripple effects will reach thousands…

Changes in the ARRL Utah Section

Brett Pruitt, K7BDP, has been named the new Section Manager of the ARRL Utah Section. He has previously served as the Section Emergency Coordinator and has been active in leadership of his local Amateur Radio…

Ham Radio Demonstration Helps Survivors of Violence at…

Camp Family Justice serves pediatric survivors of violence in Contra Costa County, California, providing them with an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors in a safe environment surrounded by support services, including a medical clinic. The…