September is National Preparedness Month. In coordination with our partners at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) is producing a series of weekly articles to help radio amateurs…
The K7RA Solar Update
With sunspot numbers up and solar flux decreasing, we saw ten newsunspot groups this week; two on September 6, three on September 7,two on September 8, one on September 9, and two on September 11.Average…
ARRL Utah Section Expanding Emergency Communication Capabilities
A new and faster way to communicate during emergencies is being planned by the Utah Section of the ARRL® Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) group, which serves Salt Lake County, the most populous area in…
ARRL Defends 902-928 Amateur Radio Band
Francine Updates
Francine update September 10, 2024 Noon Eastern: ARRL Director of Emergency Management Josh Johnston, KE5MHV, just participated in a call with the National Weather Service Shreveport, Louisiana Field Office. "Our partners at NWS are closely…
National Preparedness Month: Have a Go Kit
September is National Preparedness Month, and ARRL is working to help radio amateurs have a plan for family resilience. Many hams enjoy public service as part of their operating. Being ready to activate for a…
Hams Respond as Hawaii Threatened by Three Major…
In late August, Hawaii’s big island was threatened by three major tropical storms and amateur radio operators were prepared to assist as the threat grew more intense. Russell Roberts, KH6JRM, Public Information Officer, Hawaii County,…
The K7RA Solar Update
Eight new sunspot groups emerged over the past week.Two appeared on August 30, three more on August 31, another two onSeptember 2 and one more on September 4.Average daily sunspot number declined from 177.1 to…
The K7RA Solar Update
"ASWFC GEOMAGNETIC DISTURBANCE WARNING ISSUED AT 0200 UTC/29 AUGUST 2024 BY THE AUSTRALIAN SPACE WEATHER FORECASTING CENTRE. The solar wind environment remains elevated due to ongoing CME effects. G0-G1 geomagnetic conditions are expected on 29-Aug.…