00:00:00 | Welcome, Thank Yous, and Sound Check ... | Post Course Q&A This mini-course was created by and for patrons of Patreon. Without their generosity, this course could not have been made.
Forecast: POL unsettled, AUR quiet, SUB quiet
Geomagnetic forecast for the next 6 hours No storm watch Polar (POL): unsettled + unsettled intervals Auroral (AUR): quiet Sub-Auroral (SUB): quiet
Our Sun Dims After Storming: Solar Storm Forecast…
This forecast generously sponsored by: 3ric Johanson: http://www.instagram.com/scubist Our Sun dims down a bit this week as the two active regions, 2740 and 2741 rotate out of earth-view. These regions are staying active and have…
Strong G3 geomagnetic storm
Strong G3 geomagnetic storm conditions were observed earlier today as a coronal mass ejection arrived at our planet.
Filament eruption, yet another CME
The sunspot regions that have been facing Earth the past few days are slowly disappearing but our Sun continues to launch coronal mass ejections into space. A filament eruption took place around 19 UTC yesterday…
Faint partial halo coronal mass ejection
Sunspot region 2740 has been much less active as it has been decayed the past few days. But that didn't mean it went totally quiet. A minor eruption near the this sunspot region took place…
CME passage, G1 geomagnetic storm
The minor G1 geomagnetic storm was reached earlier today at 02:20 UTC. This is caused by a coronal mass ejection passage that brings a persistent southward pointing magnetic field with it. This coronal mass ejection…
Faint halo coronal mass ejection
A faint halo coronal mass ejection with a possible earth-directed component has been detected in coronagraph imagery from SOHO/LASCO.