/XLX 817

XLX 817

XLX 817

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XLX817 has a dedicated XLX Reflector for hams to use. The reflector is schedualed to have multimode trans-coding enabled, by 05/15/2021 meaning it can be accessed via D-Star, DMR, and System Fusion where all 3 modes can talk together after that date. The idea of the reflector is to be a single place for all local repeaters and remote users to connect and stay in contact with friends and family no matter the digital mode. Visitors and residents alike are very welcome on the system.  Here are the multiple ways to connect remotely:

  • DMR: Brandmeister Talk Group 3180180
  • Fusion: YSF 71283 “XLX817”
  • D-Star:  XLX817 B
  • DMR: Pi-Star ‘DMR Gateway’ XLX817 D

There is no need to register your callsign on D-Star to use this reflector like you would to access REF reflectors. XLX reflectors work without checking a trusted server. So do not worry if you are a D-Star user and have never gone through a callsign registration process. You can still use this reflector.


All XLX reflectors offer up to 26 modules, A – Z. Modules stem from D-Star reflectors, but can be thought of as 26 available rooms to a hotel with the XLX reflector being the hotel. Its up to the owner/operator of the reflector to enable and disable modules. There is currently no standard for how XLX modules work, so each reflector will use modules differently. Its a good idea to check a XLX reflectors web dashboard to see if any modules are labeled. The current modules enabled on this reflector are:

ModuleNameDigital ModePurpose
817 ATranscodingAnyThe “Main” Channel of the reflector that offers Transcoding between digital modes ***Comming 05/15/2021***
817 BD-StarD-StarUsed for D-RATS Data Communication and Voice.
817 CC4FM System FusionC4FMUsed for System Fusion
817 DDefaultDMRGeneral purpose, nothing formal yet.

Web Dashboard

The reflector has a realtime web dashboard to see other nodes and users connected and to what module they are connected to.


How to connect to the reflector on your D-Star Radio:

Because XLX is not available in DR mode radios, like REF, you will have to use the “UR” field to link manually. Trans-coding occurs on the A module of the reflector and will need to be connected through a hotspot or pi-star enabled repeater. Icom based gateways do not support connecting to XLX reflectors. For example: G1, G2, G3

  1. Kerchunk XRF817AL in the UR field while connected to a hotspot or repeater.
  2. Switch to “Use Reflector” in DR mode radio and start talking.

How to connect to the reflector on your Yaesu Fusion Radio:

This reflector is using XLX, which means any hotspot or pi-star-enabled device can connect to it. All you need to do is simply choose the following YSF Room: 71283 “XLX817”.

How to connect to the reflector on your DMR Radio using Brandmeister:

Brandmeister was kind enough to help tie their network in allowing for easy access from DMR. On any Brandmeister connected node/repeater simply use Talk Group: 3180180

!! There are occasions when Brandmeister is doing maintenance or work on their end, which will drop the peer. Talkgroup 3180180 will remain active, but it won’t be tied to XLX817 at all. In which case, use DMR Gateway below. !!